After the success of the first meeting now several years ago, we successfully organized the "2.0nd Meeting of the Italian C. elegans Research Community" (MICeRCo).
The main objectives of the meeting were:
• to favor the exchange of ideas, materials and information (on the example of small national meetings already held in Spain, France, United Kingdom and local meetings organized in the United States);
• to consolidate the Italian scientific community of C. elegans thanks to the interaction of Italian researchers working with C.elegans, both in Italy and in Europe;
• to allow researchers working with different models to be aware of the potential offered by C.elegans (whether they already collaborate or intend to collaborate) and give them the opportunity to present results or ideas for future collaborations;
• to give an opportunity to Italians working abroad with C.elegans to know and be known by those who work in Italy;
• to give young people the chance to present their data in an informal environment;
• to introduce the most advanced equipment and technologies from the C.elegans community.
The meeting program and the book of abstracts can be downloaded here (Program and Abstract book).
After the success of the first meeting now several years ago, we successfully organized the "2.0nd Meeting of the Italian C. elegans Research Community" (MICeRCo).
The main objectives of the meeting were:
• to favor the exchange of ideas, materials and information (on the example of small national meetings already held in Spain, France, United Kingdom and local meetings organized in the United States);
• to consolidate the Italian scientific community of C. elegans thanks to the interaction of Italian researchers working with C.elegans, both in Italy and in Europe;
• to allow researchers working with different models to be aware of the potential offered by C.elegans (whether they already collaborate or intend to collaborate) and give them the opportunity to present results or ideas for future collaborations;
• to give an opportunity to Italians working abroad with C.elegans to know and be known by those who work in Italy;
• to give young people the chance to present their data in an informal environment;
• to introduce the most advanced equipment and technologies from the C.elegans community.
The meeting program and the book of abstracts can be downloaded here (Program and Abstract book).
Event speakersThanks to our Sponsors Union Biometrica and Zeiss two Lectures were given by:
Prof. Mario de Bono (Institute of Science and Technology Austria, ISTA, Vienna, Austria)
Dr. Germano Cecere (Department of Development and Stem Cell Biology, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France) |
The meeting has been held in the Art Relais Palazzo Cappuccini, Naples starting the 2nd March 2023 at lunch and ending the 3th before lunch (one night).